Our Story

When a sock-loving couple, Thomas and Jess, along with their best friend, Bassam, combined their talents to create socks that the world could truly get excited about, Uptown Sox was born.


No matter the occasion or your style, Uptown Sox has your feet covered. Highlighting life's most special moments is what we're all about.


Established in 2016, the Uptown Sox team has been dedicated to providing you with fun, curated socks made from high-quality yarn. Our values lie in creating socks we can genuinely be proud of.





Thomas has a passion for entrepreneurship and connecting with people. His dedication to building meaningful relationships stems from his prior occupation as a personal support worker. Thomas wears many hats (and socks) and takes care of our day-to-day operations. He also oversees the quality control of our socks to ensure that specific standards are met before they reach you.





Jess grew up with a paintbrush in her hand. With a curious mind and a passion for the visual arts, she is dedicated to cultivating our brand. Jess holds a Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design and a Master's Degree in Architecture. Before owning Uptown Sox, she worked in the interior design sector. Jess directs all creative aspects of Uptown Sox, designing our socks and applying the principles she gained from her education and prior design experience to our sock patterns.





Bassam is a compassionate people-person with exceptional management skills. He holds a diploma in Business Accounting and has over 10 years of experience managing teams of various sizes. Bassam is a true leader who effectively handles our back-end operations as well as client relations.

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